Conference Papers
These conference papers have been prepared and sourced to inform conference discussion.They may be freely quoted, but must be fully acknowledged. Please let us know where you are quoting these papers so that we can track their usage. VOSESA welcomes comments, corrections and additional information as we work towards building the knowledge base on volunteering and civic service in the
Southern Africa region.To read the paper abstracts, click here
1. Civil Society Volunteering Patterns in Africa: An analysis of the CIVICUS Civil
Society Index 2008-2011 findings on volunteerism
By CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation2. Declaration: Global Volunteering Conference (Budapest, Hungary), 15-17
September 20113. Engaging Universities in the Regional Integration Project in Southern Africa
Discussion paper by Piyushi Kotecha (SARUA) and VOSESA4. How can companies foster volunteer action for development in the SADC
Discussion paper by Sabine Strassburg and VOSESA5. How can volunteering and service promote the social and economic
participation of youth in the SADC region?
Discussion paper by Aislinn Delaney and VOSESA6. International Volunteers and the Development of Host Organisations in
Africa: Lessons from Tanzania and Mozambique
By Lauren A Graham, Eddy Mazembo Mavungu and Helene Perold with
Karena Cronin, Learnmore Muchemwa and Benjamin J Lough7. Reducing the Burden of HIV and AIDS Care on Women and Girls in the SADC
Region: Insights from the VSO-RAISA programme
Discussion paper by Volunteer Service Overseas (VSO), Regional AIDS
Initiative of Southern Africa (RAISA) and VOSESA8. Strengthening the Policy Environment for Volunteering for Peace and
Development in Southern Africa
Discussion paper prepared by United Nations Volunteers (UNV) Programme9. Synopsis of Recommendations: IYV+10 regional consultations (Quito,
Ankara, Manila and Dakar) March-June 201110. Volunteering and Civic Service in the SADC Region: An overview
Background paper by Karena Cronin, Lauren A Graham, Learnmore
Muchemwa, Helene Perold and John Mark Mang’ana for VOSESA11. Volunteering, Civic Agency and Citizenship: Some preliminary
Concept paper by Ebenezer Obadare12. Volunteer Management Needs Assessment Among South African Civil
Society Organisations: Final research report
By VSO South Africa and RAISA13. Youth Participation in Service and Volunteering: Exploring economic benefit
in the Southern Africa context – A youth perspective
By Kenneth Dickhudt and VOSESA

VOSESA's Five-Country Cross-National Study on Civic Service and Volunteering in SADC.
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Service Enquiry, an online publication available free-of-charge that documents and analyses the experience of civic service and volunteerism in different parts of the world.
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